An Abundance of Tyrants - Terror and Judgement

The saga of the Migliore family continues as Julietta’s older brother, Nico, now the story’s principal narrator, begins his studies at the University of Cordoba seeking to become a lawyer able to fight against a world distorted by lies, deceptions and the abuse of power. 

Unknown to his family or teachers, Nico has also secretly become a member of a dissident group that is dedicated to tracking the arrival of fugitive Nazis in Argentina as well as documenting the disappearance of those who dared to protest Peron’s violent fascist regime.

As the streets of Argentina fill with the flames of protest and cries for justice, Julietta begins a fledgling career as a photojournalist seeking, like her brother, for truth in a world of disorder and oppression. 

Her youthful persistence enables her to obtain interviews when others cannot, with such pivotal individuals as Che Guevara and Argentina’s charismatic, but controversial, First Lady Evita Peron.

Romances bloom amidst the growing social disorder, disappearances and deaths that become common place in Argentina. Peace finally seems possible for the family when Peron is forced from office by Argentina’s disenchanted military, and Italy simultaneously rises from the ashes of war. 

Yet the Nazi escape network remains securely hidden in place, with a fortune in jewels still being sought by those longing to resurrect Hitler’s dreams in an Argentina that faces an unknown future.